Proposed Itinerary - Hiking across Canada
To develop a rough itinerary that we could use to start planning our hike, we relied heavily on the resources available on the Great Trail / Trans Canada Trail website. We began by downloading the GPS waypoints and descriptions of each trail in the network using the links on this site. We then compiled information on the type and length of each trail from the descriptions, and used that to calculate how much trail we would cover in each province. One drawback of using this method to determine the length of a thru-hike is that we don't plan to walk every branch, loop, and side trail, and it is a bit complicated to figure out from the descriptions alone how much of each section we would consider "main trail." In addition we are by necessity hiking around some paddling sections along roadways which are not parts of the trail, thereby adding to the total number of kilometres that we will be travelling. So, to get another estimate of the total length of trail we plan to ...