New Year's Resolutions and TCT Preparation

If you are looking for a great way to spend New Year's Day, consider taking a hike!  This can be a great way to spend some quality time with family, burn off a few of the extra calories from all those holiday parties, or start your 2019 list of bird species.   Of course it is always fun to choose your own adventure, whether it's to visit a favourite trail or location, or to explore a new area you've been curious about discovering for a while.  Another great option is to check whether any local hiking clubs, provincial parks, conservation areas, or naturalist groups are offering organized group hikes to kick off the New Year.  A few great options we've found in Ontario are the Bruce Trail New Year's Day Hike in the Dundas Valley Conservation Area, and a series of naturalist-led hikes in Ontario Parks, including Kakabeka Falls PP, Killarney PP, Lake Superior PP, Sleeping Giant PP, Algonquin PP, Darlington PP, MacGregor Point PP, Rondeau PP, Forks of the Credit PP, and Oxtongue River-Ragged Falls PP.  These are just some of the options for anyone who is enthusiastic about kicking off the New Year by getting outside and connecting with nature or doing some bird watching.  If anyone has any additional suggestions for outdoor First Day events in their local area we'd love to hear them. We hope to see you on the trails in 2019!

Conseravation Hike Come Walk With Us.

See you on the trail!

Remember to follow our entire adventure here :
