Crisis of Confidence (Who walks 24,000 km?!?!?)
So I knew this moment would come at one
point and I have felt it more and more in the past few weeks since the turn of
the New Year. I felt it as the Christmas
tree was taken out of the house for the last time. I felt it as the holiday decorations came
down. I’ve felt it as I’ve tried to get
homes for my pets. The feeling has
become stronger in the past week as we renovate the house touching up its
paint, cleaning its carpets, donating my world away, and putting what is left into
storage. I felt it as I took down my bird feeders and packed up my trail
bike. I’ve felt it as I’ve made arrangements with
the Realtor. Part of me knows it’s just stuff, it’s just a
bird feeder and this home is just a building I’ll have it all again
But yesterday, for whatever reason I was
struck by a shear lack of confidence.
Thoughts wondering “what are you doing?
Your house, your car, your things, your pets, your career? All gone and
for what?” All good questions which
friends, family and colleagues have asked over the months. And for about two hours today I could not
have told a single one why I am doing this.
I couldn’t even figure it out myself.
I fell into a state of complete panic and self doubt.
Nature reminds me who I am. Nature reminds me what is important and what
is not. Nature teaches me and reminds me of my boundaries – and then tells me
to push myself further. Nature and the
sounds of the forest remind me why it is necessary to stand up for what I
believe in and why it is necessary to get others to see and appreciate the
beauty of the outdoors. It is with sound
of a bird’s song that I remember why I am about to hike across Canada. It is while watching the flow of a clear
clean stream over its river bed that I know where I want to be. These are small town ideals I know. They are sentimental and to some they sound
silly. But to anyone who has sat in a
forest just listening, relaxed by a river just because, or who has climbed a
hill simply to enjoy the view from the top they make sense. Regardless, of how it might all sound to
some, these are the things I hold close to me in moments of doubt.
And, as always, it was while reflecting on
what I hope to do, what I hope to achieve, the memories I know I will make, the
wonderful experiences I will have, and the people I hope to inspire to get out
doors that got me back on track.
I know these
doubts will creep back in from time to time. On days when I am sore, when I am
cold, or wet, or lonely. We all have doubts, but regardless of all of my
uncertainties, I do not doubt the message I hope others will hear. For all my
fears, and this temporary crisis of confidence, I will still be on the trail in
June and heading west. I hope you will all join me in one form or another as we
rediscover this great nation together, explore the landscape, and enjoy the
great outdoors on Canada’s Great Trail. As always I invite you to Come Walk
With Us across Canada as we seek to inspire you to get back into nature through
See you on the trail!
Remember to follow our entire adventure here :
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